Figs: benefits and properties

Ficus icaria. This is the name of the tree that gives us the sweetest, best and most gluttonous fruits but not only: figs, in fact, have numerous benefits and nutritional properties for the body.

While waiting for the first figs, the fioroni, to ripen, let’s find out together why this summer we should eat at least one more than last year!

Nutritional and calorie properties of fresh figs

Figs are actually false fruits and there are many varieties, but in terms of nutritional values ​​they are very similar.

First of all let’s say it right away: 100g of figs contain about 50 kcal. They are few? Well, yes: less than grapes and tangerines. It is only the high sugar content that makes them unsuitable for low-calorie diets or for those with diabetes problems.

For the rest we can say that each fig is a real mine of mineral salts such as calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus, very useful for the health of teeth, bones and tissues.

To support the assimilation of minerals is also the good content of Vitamin C, which in addition has an antioxidant and fundamental action for the immune system.

In addition, figs, thanks to the presence of vitamins K and B, help correct blood coagulation and the synthesis of serotonin: a good mood.

Antioxidants, antibacterials and laxatives: figs are really good for you!

Protectors of the liver and anti-inflammatory, figs are also considered a real natural antibiotic and antifungal, also useful for fighting bacteria that lurk in the oral cavity and improve hygiene.

But their beneficial properties are countless: they support digestion, control cholesterol levels and the richness of nutrients make figs an energizing food, very useful with the drop in energy that sometimes accompanies the hottest season.

In addition, who has never had a problem with constipation, perhaps on vacation, with the change of environment and habits? The best and most effective solution is to consume a few figs for breakfast!

RivaReno daily fresh black fig ice cream

Even in our ice cream labs we can’t wait for summer to come and we are preparing everything to make our fig sorbet tastier and creamier than ever!

In fact, to make it happen, we check the ripeness of each fruit and choose only the best figs.

Naturally sweet and incredibly colorful, RivaReno fig ice cream is a candidate to be your ideal holiday companion: come and try it in combination with other seasonal fruit, yogurt or pistachio … it will amaze you!