Types of honey: uses and characteristics

Bees are among the most useful and loved insects of our ecosystem: peaceful, hardworking and producers of many types of honey, one better than the other!

Honey is one of the most widespread and ancient foods in the world, so much so that the first traces of hives date back to the 6th century BC.

Let’s find out some curiosities about some of the most famous types of honey.

Honey as a sweetener instead of sugar: Acacia, Girasole and Millefiori

One of the most common uses of honey is as a sweetener, as a substitute for sugar.

However, it should be known that not all varieties of honey have the same sweetening power, nor the same taste.

The most versatile honeys have a delicate taste, which goes well in the preparation of teas and herbal teas, as well as aromatic cakes and desserts, but also as an accompaniment to fresh and aged cheeses or as an ingredient of a healthy and energetic breakfast.

Acacia honey and Millefiori are undoubtedly among the most popular sweeteners in Italy, but also that of Sunflower has a light and delicious scent.

Types of honey with precious properties for health

Honey is always a healthy food, rich in vitamins, minerals and is considered a natural antibiotic.

There are some types, however, that have qualities that are particularly useful for our body.

Chestnut honey, for example, promotes blood circulation, while those of Orange and Lime are perfect for bedtime herbal teas, thanks to their relaxing properties.

The best allies for coughs and flu are, on the other hand, balsamic honeys: that of Eucalyptus, Juniper and Fir Honeydew.

What if you feel a little undertone at the change of season? The ideal is a spoonful of Erica honey: excellent tonic and with a strong flavor, similar to that of anise.

RivaReno’s Greek yogurt with honey or sour cherries

Honey is great and it’s so good that we want you to enjoy it every day in our ice cream workshops!

To savor it in all its sweetness, we thought of a classic combination, delicious for breakfast, lunch, snack and at any time of the day: the one with Greek yogurt.

Creamy and with a pleasant and light acidity, Greek yogurt goes wonderfully with honey, but also with natural fruit compotes or delicious black cherries: the choice is yours!