A gelato inspired by the Vignola Black Cake

Vignola, a most remarkable place in the province of Modena, boasts an ancient culinary tradition, just as you would expect from a city of the Emilia Romagna Region. Here, in addition to traditional food such as tigelle, tortelli and gnocco fritto, you can also taste a sweet treat, which is particularly known all over the world: the Vignola Black Cake.

This delicious dessert did not escape RivaReno careful eye, which has used a Vignola Black Cake, to create one of its famous flavour: Otello.

The original Vignola Black Cake recipe

The original Vignola Black Cake recipe is jealously guarded in the Barozzi family laboratory, right in the centre of Modena, where it was created.

We can be sure about the ingredients used for the preparation of the cake: roasted peanuts, almonds, eggs, butter, sugar and, of course, a large quantity of dark chocolate.

Flour, dyes and preservatives are forbidden, but despite that, this dessert can hold its fragrance for about forty days at room temperature, out of the fridge.

We are talking about a delicacy which is handed down from generation to generation and that actually is part of that gastronomic heritage which has made our Country famous all over the world.

Gelato with Zabaione: a flow of delicacy

Otello is one of the most delicious creams created by RivaReno. The addition of Zabaione, a sweet foam made with eggs, sugar and liqueur, prepared using the bain-marie method, makes this gelato very special.

Zabaione is actually widespread in European countries and has aphrodisiac effect. The eggs and the small quantity of alcohol both contribute to the balance of male hormones and also increase sexual desire.

The high protein content of eggs boots the dopamine level: the addition of Zabaione to gelato is not just a simple flow of delicacy, but also a real boost of energy!

Otello: a creamy gelato rich in taste

Otello taste is the combination of selected ingredients only and finds its inspiration in Shakespeare’s famous tragedy. RivaReno, when creating this creamy gelato, has used, as previously said, Zabaione and a homemade chocolate cake, very similar to the well-known Barozzi’ s one. The energy supply of Zabaione combined with the cake softness has given rise to a taste beloved by adults and children and perfect as an energy snack or a special dessert after dinner, ready to go to bed happy and relieved!