Foods richest in flavonoids

Have you ever wondered why fruit and vegetables are good for you?

The reason is soon said: the flavonoids contained in plant foods are a real cure-all for many body functions.


Today we talk very often about enriched foods, but we at RivaReno are convinced that by knowing nature better and practicing a varied diet, you can already do a lot for your well-being without sacrificing taste.


What are flavonoids? Benefits and antioxidant properties


Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and, above all, in phytonutrients.

Among the latter, the largest category is that of flavonoids: more than 4000 types of plant molecules that have characteristics and precious for the health of our body and beyond.


In fact, among the most famous properties of flavonoids, there is the antioxidant that not only counteracts cellular aging and free radicals, but is very important for preserving brain functions.

But while flavonoids are so numerous and varied, their benefits are multiple.


As natural anti-inflammatories, flavonoids are important for protecting the health of blood vessels and the liver, reducing the risk of even serious diseases and allergies.

In addition, they are particularly valuable for women at all stages of life and even in pregnancy, as they regulate the effects of estrogen.


Grapes and other flavonoid-rich foods: the health diet


As phytonutrients, flavonoids are found in fruits and vegetables, but there are foods that contain more than others.

Foods such as citrus fruits, broccoli, tomatoes, red onions but also green tea, cocoa and spices such as thyme and mint are very rich, but a real honorable mention goes to a very special fruit: grapes.


Grapes, in fact, contain several types of flavonoids and, in particular, anthocyanins essential for brain functions, proanthocyanidins useful for the skin, the circulatory system and the well-being of the urinary tract and flavonols that protect against free radicals.


Fresh RivaReno grape ice cream of the day


The end of summer for us at RivaReno has the unmistakable scent, flavor and color of our strawberry grape ice cream.


As soon as September arrives, in fact, preparations begin to select and squeeze the grapes and obtain the nectar that will be the basis of our sorbet.

And the peels so rich in nutrients and beneficial? We certainly don’t throw them away, but we chop them up and add them to the ice cream to get a really special consistency!