Interesting facts about persimmons

Persimmons are bright orange with a characteristic spherical shape and a soft, sweet pulp. Its origins are Asian and, more precisely, it has roots in central-southern China, where its cultivation began about two millennia ago. Belonging to the Ebenaceae species, this fruit comes from a tree called “Dyospyros kaki” or “food of the gods” and matures during October-November.

Properties of the persimmon

The persimmon has some excellent properties, which make it an important ally for our health: it is excellent for boosting our immune systems because it contains vitamins A and C. It is also especially good for our vision and skin: the former is protected from irritation and the latter from redness and premature ageing. The catechins contained in the persimmon are super antioxidants belonging to the category of flavonoids that have anti-inflammatory and antihemorrhagic power: not surprisingly, the consumption of persimmons is particularly suitable for those who suffer with genital infections. In addition, the fruit’s high percentage of water (about 80%) stimulates the metabolism and promotes excretion.

The most famous varieties of persimmon

There are numerous varieties of persimmon: two main ones, which are found in Italy and a number of minor types. The Italian varieties are “Lotus of Romagna” and “Vanilla of Campania”, names which refer to the areas of origin.

The Lotus of Romagna has an orange colour that tends toward yellow and has a more compact pulp; the Vanilla of Campania is a more reddish fruit with a juicy and liquid interior.

Foreign varieties include the Fuyo, Kawabata and Suruga.

  • The Fuyo is orange-coloured with a moderate sugar content; it can be eaten immediately after harvest.
  • The Kawabata is orange-coloured with a high sugar content; it can be consumed once softened and for some time after harvesting.
  • The Suruga is orange-red tending to red, with a high sugar content; it can be consumed without astringency.

Persimmon gelato: a concentrate of taste and vitamins

RivaReno uses persimmons to create its own winter gelato flavour. The preparation of this goodness with its shades of sunset, includes the use of apple persimmons for their sweet and gelatinous pulp.
RivaReno recommends making your taste experience more complete by combining persimmon gelato with the marron glacé flavour, another autumn delicacy.

Come to RivaReno and experience all the pleasure of autumn, a season that is famous for its colours and, why not, for its flavours!