The recipe of zabaglione and its curiosities
The origins of the zabaglione are noble and ancient. It is said that the days in the kitchens of the rich Medici family in Florence began with the preparation of this energetic drink. But, as for the best recipes of the Italian gastronomy, around the history of zabaglione there is an aura of mystery. Some say that the first pastry chef to give name and shape to this creamy wonder was at the court of the Gonzagas. We do not know how events really went, we just thank the intuition of who first wanted to combine these simple elements giving life to the recipe of zabaglione, a delicacy with nostalgic taste of childhood.
How to prepare the zabaglione
The egg, that’s where we start from to learn how to prepare the zabaglione. It is precisely the warm and enveloping taste of the yolk that is the master in this preparation, to which is added the sugar beaten to give life to a magical foam. Then a sweet nectar with a strong flavour is added, the most delicious liqueur wine, the Marsala Vergine, et voilà: your zabaglione is ready to be tasted.
The Marsala Vergine, Sicilian gold
Since the recipe for zabaglione is based on very few ingredients, it is important that each of these is chosen carefully. At RivaReno, gelato laboratory, we have chosen to entrust ourselves to the Marsala Vergine Soleras of the ancient Pellegrino Cellars, a historic Sicilian company, for the preparation of the RivaReno zabaglione gelato. For every sip of this fine liqueur wine, it is necessary to wait for an aging process that lasts for five years in small oak barrels. On the other hand, the master craftsmen of RivaReno are armed with a lot of patience, but in the end the result leaves both them and – above all – the customers amazed.
The zabaglione, an aphrodisiac full of goodies
We know, we can rather be one-sided but for us in RivaReno there is nothing more romantic than a first data with an ice-cream. But we want to tell you one last curiosity, another reason to choose this nutritious delight. Probably you have already heard that oysters, chocolate and chilli are aphrodisiac, but maybe you don’t know that also the zabaglione is aphrodisiac. The main biologists state this today, but the artist Canova, had written it in his diaries many years before.
The egg gives energy and good humour, sugar and Marsala take care of the rest. After all we always say it: love starts from good food.